Broderick's Tradition Continues
Broderick's Ice Cream Parlour was established in 1984 at our landmark location at 290 Bridge St in beautiful downtown Port Stanley.
Broderick's remains the "Go To" place within view of the famous St George lift bridge and now a new and beautiful walkway along the east side of the harbour. It is also stunningly beautiful when lighted at night.
The Timmons family of Port Stanley took over ownership in 2017 as the 4th owner of Broderick's. Broderick's still retains the charm of an earlier era ice cream parlour while now serving 50 flavours of ice cream in addition to all the favourites not always found elsewhere. We recently added plant based ice cream dessert.
Broderick's is also famous for our shop made fresh daily waffles using a recipe handed down by prior owners and just not found elsewhere. The aroma drifting up the street is like a magnet drawing customers to the shop.
Please drop in, step back in time and enjoy the present.
Mark Timmons - Manager
Ph: 226 448 0123
Shop: 519 782 4217